Michel Fiffe’s work schedules are very tough, to write, draw, print and ship his comics every month, he has very tight and regular schedules. Nevertheless he was so kind to...
Canadian comics’ historian Hope Nicholson interviewed on the reprint project of Brok Windsor financed with a Kickstarter fundraising.
We present an exclusive interview with David Altenau, visual effects supervisor for FuseFX on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. tv series, who worked on The Bus, Lola and the Deathlok character.
We present an exclusive interview to Scott Lukovski, concept artist who worked on some key scenes in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 as the fight sequenze in Times Square between Electro...
A few weeks after the theatrical release of Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the living legend sequel directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo, we present in exclusive a detailed...
Uncle Scrooge, Ninja Turtles, Superman: the new worlds of Jason Aaron
Wish for a different world: Interview with Deena Mohamed
Between horror, superheroes and the American mythos: interview with Scott Snyder
Pulp and Noir, From Father to Son: Interview with Sean and Jacob Phillips
Long live ShortBox, between festivals and publishing: interview with Zainab Akhtar
Story of a BOOM!: interview with Ross Richie
The Krakoan era of the X-Men between politics, deaths and rebirths: interview with Kieron Gillen
30(+2) years of Stripburger