With the broadcast in the USA of the midseason “The Bridge”, we present an interview with director Holly Dale, who directed the Agents of SHIELD episode. Dale has a long career in television, having directed numerous television series in recent years among the most famous of which are worth mentioning Dexter, Castle. NCIS, Falling Skies, The Americans, Rizzoli & Isles and many more.
ow you are involved in agents of shield?
I was given the amazing opportunity to direct the fall season finale
Is hard to maintain a stylistic continuity with the authors before you so to give a regularity? How much the production let you free on the creative plane?
Television is primarily a Writers medium whereas it is the director’s responsibility is to visually interpret the writer’s intent as written in the individual episode teleplays Although the show will have a set style each guest director brings something of themselves to their episode making it slightly unique. I always attempt to first maintain the style and integrity of the show while also bringing new creative ideas and pushing beyond the limitations of the expected.
How you manage the cast? Do you feel comfortable working with such a trained team?
The cast of Agents of Shield were all fantastic to work with, astonishing from delivering intense dramatic performances one moment to being asked to perform grueling action sequences the next. A+ in my book.
Very few women work with action movie (Kathryn Bigelow and Mimi Leder just comes to mind), do you feel comfortable with that genre?
I have been very fortunate to have been trusted directing over 200 hours of dramatic programing working in all genres, Dexter, Castle, Falling Skies, Chicago Fire, The Americans and I honestly can say that adding an action component is my favourite.
You had directed a tons of famous series, how you describe the direction style of Agents of Shield? Is it something new in respect of the past?
Agents of SHIELD is groundbreaking for multiple reasons starting and ending with it was created by Joss Whedon who set the bar incredibly high which is reflected by the professionalism I encountered through all departments. ABC is going all out on the show and the results are fantastic
How was to work in team with Maurissa Tancharoen and Jed Whedon?
A dream come true they are so talented so much fun to work with it was a delight
Which are your future projects?
I am blessed to be a working director and have many more marvelous guest directing opportunities ahead. I’d love to find that one great water cooler feature screenplay that I could sink me teeth into, my Monster, Boys Don’t Cry, Shame.